Announcement of Canteen/Kiosk Service Management at Institut Teknologi Bandung

Announcement of Canteen/Kiosk Service Management at Institut Teknologi Bandung

Announcement of Canteen/Kiosk Service Management at Institut Teknologi Bandung

Nomor : 4668/1T1.B05.2/TU.09/2022

In order to improve quality, hygienic, and affordable canteen/kiosk services accompanied by improving transparent and accountable facility governance, the Directorate of Facilities and Infrastructure regulates the management of canteen/kiosk service cooperation by dividing large clusters of management. Each the large cluster of management is organized by ITB cooperation partners in the form of legal entities / foundations / cooperatives that have legality, capacity for the management of campus canteens / kiosks, fulfillment of the conditions contained in the agreement and fulfillment of ITB accounting and financial requirements. ITB canteen service cooperation partners are expected to be able to integrate and coach individual tenants or small/medium enterprises in the clusters they manage.

Thus, ITB does not contract canteen/kiosk services with individuals. If there is still an individual canteen service contract that is delayed due to the pandemic in 2020-2021, then ITB will impose a management transition period. Further detailed information can be monitored regularly for the announcement of the canteen/kiosk management cluster auction on the website of the Directorate of Facilities and Infrastructure.

Thus we make this announcement. For your attention and good cooperation, we would like to thank you.

4668 Pengumuman Pengelolaan Layanan KantinKios ITB Ganesa Thn 2022.pdf

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